In an interview with AA on the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, Defense Industry President Haluk Görgün stated that the U.S. embargoes following the operation ignited a period of strategic search, which made domestic defense production a priority.

Görgün pointed out that the operation demonstrated the vital importance of the defense industry for Türkiye’s security and interests, stating:

“These embargoes, which brought various difficulties, revealed that the only way for our country to implement an independent security policy was to develop a national defense industry. Significant investments were made in the defense industry with the establishment of Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ) in 1973, ASELSAN in 1975, and HAVELSAN in 1982.”

Görgün explained that in the early 1980s, the primary goal was to establish a national defense industry based on contemporary technology to meet the needs of the armed forces through domestic resources and ensure modernization.

“The Era of Ready Purchases Was Replaced by Joint Production”

Görgün further noted: “The Cyprus Peace Operation was a turning point in confirming the need for a national defense industry and taking some critical steps. The period of ready purchases in the defense industry, which continued until the 1970s, ended in the 1990s, transitioning to joint production. Looking back from where our defense industry stands today, we can say that one of the significant milestones in developing comprehensive defense industry policies was the establishment of the Defense Industry Development and Support Administration (SAGEB) in 1985.”

Görgün recalled that following the operation, in 1987, many defense industry companies, either public or public-affiliated, emerged with the establishment of the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, sowing the seeds of today’s rapidly developing domestic defense technologies.

Görgün emphasized that until 1990, the needs of the defense industry were mostly met through ready purchases from abroad. However, following the assumed responsibilities and determined policies, from 1990 to 2000, the procurement of defense industry needs shifted from ready purchases to joint production.

“A Defense Industry Based on National Resources Was Established”

In the 2000s, project models focused on domestic development, prioritizing a modern defense industry based on national resources. Görgün highlighted:

“Products designed domestically have started to enter our country’s defense and security systems inventory. During this process, our defense industry has transformed into a design-oriented production structure, and meeting the defense and security needs of our country through domestic development and production models has been adopted as a national policy.”

This policy has yielded positive results in both the modernization of the Turkish Armed Forces and law enforcement and the development of the defense industry and its ability to meet needs. Görgün stated:

“In the transition process from ready purchases to basic and advanced technologies, our country’s defense industry capabilities were assessed and enhanced, and companies in the sector were enabled to participate in defense industry projects within their competencies.”

Görgün recalled that decisions made by the Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) in 2004 mandated the development and production of needed products domestically with the highest possible local content, resulting in the fruition of projects initiated during that period.

Görgün pointed out that the political will demonstrated by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan significantly contributed to the effective management and substantial outcomes in the sector:

“Many important results have been produced in advancing the Turkish defense industry with a local and national character. Today, our defense industry, with its national and independent technologies, significantly contributes to transforming our country into a safer and more stable region, with its economic contributions directly reflecting on our country’s prosperity.”

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