The 4th meeting of the Türkiye-Iraq High-Level Security Mechanism will be held on Thursday in the Turkish capital Ankara, according to Turkish diplomatic sources.

The meeting aims to solidify the understanding reached in security matters with additional concrete steps and to strengthen the legal framework for joint efforts.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan‘s visit to Iraq on April 22 marked a turning point in Ankara- Baghdad relations.

The Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) signed during the visit established the Joint Planning Group (JPG), co-chaired by the foreign ministers of both countries, and various technical Joint Permanent Committees (JPCs) to institutionalize and sustain cooperation.

In addition, the first JPG meeting, co-chaired by Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein, is also planned on Thursday in Ankara.

A one-on-one meeting between the two ministers is also scheduled.

The meeting will review the implementation and status of 27 agreements signed during Erdoğan’s visits and discuss further steps for the JPCs.

Preparatory meetings for the High-Level Security Mechanism and JPG, including a security and counter-terrorism JPC meeting and a JPG preparatory meeting led by Deputy Foreign Minister Nuh Yılmaz, will be held on Wednesday.

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