Published September 16,2024


Iraqi security forces killed two suicide bombers in an operation Sunday targeting Daesh/ISIS militants in the city of Kirkuk.

In a statement, Iraq’s Ministry of the Interior noted that security forces pursued a suspicious vehicle near Panja Ali district.

The statement added that a raid was conducted on the suspicious vehicle, during which two Daesh/ISIS-affiliated suicide bombers in the vehicle died after the explosives they were carrying detonated.

Security forces are continuing their operations in the area.

In June 2014, Daesh/ISIS captured all of Iraq’s Mosul, Salahaddin and Anbar provinces along with parts of Diyala and Kirkuk.

Over the years, these areas were reclaimed from the group.

Former Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory over Daesh/ISIS on Dec. 9, 2017.

Despite the passage of seven years since Iraq’s liberation from Daesh/ISIS, the group continues to launch attacks in the rural areas of these provinces.

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