As the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) approaches, expectations are high for a deepening of Sino-African relations. From Sept. 4 to 6, Beijing will host this pivotal gathering, where the strategic partnership between China and Africa is set to gain further momentum.

Observers across the African continent see this summit as a crucial opportunity to address significant challenges, particularly the continent’s infrastructure funding gap, which the African Development Bank estimates to be between $130 billion and $170 billion annually. China, already Africa’s largest trading partner, views this partnership as vital, not just for mutual benefit but for the broader goal of sustainable development.

The FOCAC summit will likely emphasize cooperation in key sectors such as education, infrastructure, health care and technology – areas where both sides can collaborate to drive growth and innovation. African nations are looking to this summit for concrete commitments and actionable plans that will translate into real progress. For China, this is more than just diplomacy; it is about fostering a long-term relationship that promotes shared prosperity and addresses global challenges. The outcome of this summit could very well shape the future of Sino-African relations for years to come.

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), established in Beijing in October 2000, marked a pivotal shift in the strategic relationship between China and Africa. Analysts and experts widely agree that FOCAC has become the cornerstone for enduring collaboration between these two sides. Its inception ushered in a dynamic era characterized by robust infrastructure projects, human resource development, governance exchanges and significant financial support.

From China’s perspective, the FOCAC framework reflects its commitment to fostering sustainable development in Africa through a practical, results-oriented approach. This relationship has flourished against the backdrop of China’s own extraordinary transformation over the past seven decades.

China as role model

Africa’s growing admiration for China’s development story is rooted in its unique model of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which emphasizes a people-first philosophy, innovation and progressive reforms. China’s modernization strategy has increasingly captured the interest of Global South countries, offering an example of governance and development opportunities. These nations see China’s experience as a valuable model for enhancing their own governance frameworks, fostering innovation and pursuing sustainable development tailored to their unique contexts.

This growing confidence is a reflection of China’s foreign policy objectives, which emphasize strengthening cooperation with the Global South, advancing North-South dialogue, and integrating development strategies across regions.

Central to this effort is the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), established to transform the traditional bond between Africa and China into a multidimensional, mutually advantageous partnership.

Since its inception, the FOCAC has played a crucial role in evolving this relationship, moving beyond mere rhetoric to deliver tangible, measurable benefits. By fostering synergy among diverse development strategies and nurturing new growth drivers, the FOCAC exemplifies China’s commitment to building a global community of development. This approach not only underscores China’s role as a key player in global development but also highlights the potential for enhanced cooperation and shared progress in the years to come.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s address at the 2021 FOCAC opening ceremony in Dakar set a new strategic course for China-Africa relations, earning widespread praise from African leaders and citizens. His speech outlined an ambitious blueprint for future collaboration, underscoring a commitment to deepening ties between the two regions.

The Dakar conference produced a comprehensive economic cooperation plan, skillfully aligning with the shifting dynamics of the global economy. Central to this initiative was the “China and Africa Vision 2035,” which aims to enhance bilateral cooperation across several critical sectors. This plan emphasizes health, poverty alleviation, agriculture, trade and investment, digital innovation, green development, capacity building, cultural exchanges and peace and security.

Since the Dakar summit, the progress in these areas has been significant, and the path forward remains a key focus for the FOCAC’s ongoing agenda in Beijing. The Vision 2035 plan not only highlights China’s commitment to a mutually beneficial partnership but also reflects a broader strategy to adapt to global economic changes while promoting sustainable development.

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

Since the inception of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, Africa has witnessed substantial benefits, thanks in part to the active involvement of Chinese private enterprises. These companies have become key players in building a China-Africa community with a shared future, injecting new energy into the continent’s development. As China-Africa cooperation deepens, Chinese investments have proliferated across the African continent, targeting regions rich in population, land and diverse mineral resources. By focusing on infrastructure development, providing capital and deploying skilled workers, China aims to remove the barriers to African countries’ growth.

The results are striking: over the past decade, China has facilitated the construction of more than 6,000 kilometers (3,728.23 miles) of railways, 6,000 kilometers of roads and nearly 20 ports across Africa. These projects, such as Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway and the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, have not only bolstered Africa’s economic prospects but also strengthened regional connectivity.

Future of partnership

As African nations gather for the upcoming summit, the future direction of the China-Africa partnership demands careful reconsideration. FOCAC has long been the bedrock of this relationship, serving as the primary platform for policy coordination and collaborative projects.

Convening every three years, FOCAC has consistently delivered substantial financial commitments, including a noteworthy $40 billion pledge at the 2021 summit, targeting infrastructure, agriculture and manufacturing. The forum’s effectiveness is evident in its track record: between 2006 and 2021, $155 billion of the $191 billion in promised loans were implemented by October 2021. This year’s summit unfolds against a backdrop of increasing resistance to China from a U.S.-led coalition. In this context, China views its ties with the Global South not merely as economic ventures but as integral to a growing global political alignment.

Where does Africa stand in the grand scheme of China’s global strategy? The continent’s economic value to China is undeniable, but its geopolitical significance is rapidly becoming even more crucial. As Beijing deepens its economic ties with Africa, it simultaneously garners critical support in international forums, allowing China to exert greater influence over global diplomacy and security. This backing is essential as China seeks to challenge and reshape a world order it perceives as biased.

The 2024 summit, themed “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future,” seeks to deepen these bonds in a way that supports China’s broader geopolitical ambitions. If managed astutely, FOCAC could indeed usher in a new era of cooperation, one that is both sustainable and mutually beneficial.

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