Published September 08,2024


A movie about the atrocities committed by Israel in Palestine, is set to be released in the last quarter of 2025, according to the producer of “Al-Isra,” HMK Film.

HMK Film said the cast of the movie, which was adapted from the novel of the same name, will include actors from four different countries, according to a statement.

The production, whose script was written by Talat Ozpolat and Cavidan Balci, will be shot in New York, Istanbul, Hatay and Jerusalem.

Haci Mehmet Kilinc, whose views were included in the statement and who undertook the production of the film on behalf of HMK Film, pointed out that the main mission of the film is peace.

“We aim to reach international audiences with this movie. When I read the novel, I thought ‘we should definitely make this story into a movie’. Recent events have caused our script to be constantly updated. The main mission of our movie is to tell the story of peace, and in doing so, we managed to present our story objectively, without judging any religion or nation,” he said.

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