Jon Favreau has teased a new Star Wars film titled “The Mandalorian And Grogu” starring Pedro Pascal and his sidekick.

The US actor appeared on stage alongside The Mandalorian executive producer Dave Filoni in front of an estimated 12,000 fans at the Honda Centre in Anaheim, California, for the first day of Disney’s fan convention, D23.

Favreau said the new film is in production, having started filming “a few weeks ago” ahead of its May 2026 debut.

“We are putting Star Wars back on the big screen,” Filoni said, while Favreau described it as “an all new adventure following these two characters.”

A teaser clip shown to the audience saw masked bounty hunter (Pascal) and baby Yoda touch fingers, while Babu Frik also makes an appearance flying a ship with Grogu.

The announcement came after Pixar’s chief creative officer Pete Docter announced “The Incredibles 3” was in the works.

He confirmed Brad Bird, the writer and director behind the first two films, has returned for the next adventure from the beloved undercover super-family.

Other reveals included a live-action “Lilo And Stitch” set for release in summer 2025.

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