Israel is an Apartheid state; it is a racist entity and, as such, it cannot survive. Now that Israeli Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu is about to lose his Advocate General Tony Blinken, whoever wins the November elections in the U.S., no one is going to emphatically defend Israel at the U.N. Security Council (UNSC). Kamala Harris, who became the Democratic nominee following U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, being a creature of institutional politics, not a visionary or an ideologue, has neither enough charisma (trying to curtain it with displaying chutzpah, extreme self-confidence and nerve) nor experience in government business (Biden’s “white boys” kept her at arm’s length away on purpose from their business at the Oval Office with the White Man-in-Chief). Should she win the presidency, her first action would probably be to fire Secretary of State Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. If Trump reclaims what he thinks he was wrongfully denied for the last four years, everybody, including the night guards and chief cooks, would be fired; Trump, who already knows what needs to be known diplomatically militarily and financially, would take care of Netanyahu himself, whom he owes a spiteful and deep-rooted hatred.

Sensing that he is going to lose those people who have been sweeping up after him at the White House, Netanyahu would finish up his genocide in Palestine, occupation and settlement, not only in Gaza but all over the West Bank and East Jerusalem. He has to: otherwise, the whole Israel as we know it after 1968 will be no more. At best, it will be halved in two, the north consisting of the U.N.-intended “Jewish homeland,” and the south constituting the Muslim and Christian (and most likely the non-Zionist and true Torah Jews) Palestine. Netanyahu’s (or, with the correct expression, the Zionists) would jump to it and complete (more or less) the ethnic cleansing in Israel.

Because the alternative is too costly not only for Netanyahu but for all his War Cabinet. They will not be as lucky as the Nazi remnants of the Nuremberg Court in other countries. They should consider themselves lucky if they would be jailed in their own country. The fear of such a fierce and brutal end, would push Netanyahu to his limits and in the forthcoming weeks we might see the increased ferocity befalling the Palestinians all over the country. No cease-fire should be expected simply because the Zionists are now fighting for their own wretched selves; they are least interested in the fate of the hostages.

Neither are Donald Trump and Harris, the two candidates for the U.S. presidency. Both promised the continuation of U.S. arms sales and aid to Israel “as usual” simply because of U.S. politics corrupted by the presence of the Israel Lobby which pours billions of dollars into the U.S. politicians’ coffers if they are friends to Israel or end their political life if they are not. Harris added to it in her Democratic National Convention (DNC) speech last week that “Israel must never again face the horror of Oct. 7.” However, for her, what Israel has been doing as a response to Oct. 7 is devastating bloodshed in Gaza.

People gather to protest a campaign event for Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, New York City, New York, U.S., Aug 14, 2024. (AFP Photo)

Trump, on the other hand, claimed Harris “caused” the Oct. 7 attack on Israel; but there will be no daylight between the U.S. and Israel because of their very close relationship. But he too was talking out of both sides of his mouth, criticizing Netanyahu and lauding Hezbollah militants as “very smart.”

Consequently, Netanyahu and his cabal at the government could not risk their own necks on neither of the candidates; they will try to finish it up before Jan. 20. The killing, maiming and repeated displacement of Palestinians continue, not only in Gaza but all across Palestine. Meanwhile, Palestinians are being dehumanized to justify occupation and genocide in the Western media. It has to because the existing and forthcoming U.S. governments have to legitimize their help to Israel, thanks to the Israel lobby. How can the U.S. taxpayers condone billions of dollars’ worth of ammunition and financial aid going to an Apartheid State if they are not faced with inhuman criminal Palestinians who brought “The Horror of Oct. 7”? That dehumanizing will also help the American people turn their heads away when the Gazan genocide comes to its uncontrollable end. No one could look at the burned and mutilated bodies of Palestinian babies if Palestinians were portrayed as human beings; not even Americans. Hence, the social media, TVs, newspapers and U.S. presidential candidates, altogether, try to numb people to believe that Palestinian lives do not matter because they committed Oct. 7.

Every day, a columnist or two in Israeli newspapers, a non-Zionist authentic Jewish rabbi, a former Israeli diplomat, and an honest and credible journalist tell the world the fact that what Netanyahu says happened on that fateful day has really not happened. But to no avail: U.S. media and politicians know that they should be prepared for the “Final Solution.”

The archbishop of Canterbury urges nations to respect the International Court of Justice (ICJ) opinion on Israeli “occupation;” Justin Welby, who also heads the worldwide Anglican Communion, says the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands is “unlawful” and must end. But it falls on deaf ears. Neither Harris and Trump nor the U.S. media see the fact that what happened on Oct. 7 was part of 76 years of occupation and killing. Netanyahu and many Israeli politicians before him turned Gaza, the West Bank and other Palestinian towns and villages into open-air prisons and concentration camps; tens of thousands of Palestinians are kept and tortured in Israeli prisons. In short, Palestinians are fighting for their freedom and human rights.

But all those facts are extremely inconvenient for the American and some European media. We will see what they will be talking about soon. That is, if universal conscience would not overcome, sooner.

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